
I Love to Run

I love running! I've been running since I was 14, just for fun. I ran all the way up until I was 4 months pregnant with my son (2 years ago) and after he was born I didn't have much time, or really energy, to run. This spring I got back into it. At first I was only going 3/4 of a mile. It was sad! Everyday I try to go a little further and now I'm running a little over 3 miles a day, while pushing a jogger. I'm wanting to get up to 4 miles before the weather gets cold. I'm always driving the car on my route to see how far it is to a certain point, how to make it further etc. Well I found an easier way and this will work for biking, walking etc. The site Map My Run, lets you keep a log of your activities and calculates calories you burned. They also show all the different races going on and their routes. I thought it was exciting. I've been thinking a lot about it and I don't think I could ever do a marathon but would like to do a half marathon before we leave Indiana in three years.


Leslie said...

Stopping by from SITS to say hello! I always admire people who run. It takes a lot of dedication (and energy!)

Jennifer Rose said...

ugh. I should run too. But, ugh.